Customers may declare the revocation of their contractual statement in text form (e.g. letter or e-mail) within a period of 14 days without stating any reasons. The period begins with the day of the conclusion of the contract, i.e. with the delivery of the booking confirmation. The revocation is to be addressed to: Enrico Vlach & Nico Seifert Festivalservice GbR, Arthur-Hoffmann-Str. 62, 04107 Leipzig, Germany.
In case of a valid revocation, all mutually received performances as well as emoluments taken (e.g.interest), if applicable, are to be restituted by either side. If the customer is unable or partially unable to restitute the merchandise to us or can only restitute it in a deteriorated condition, the customer has to insofar compensate for its value where applicable. All reimbursement obligations must be fulfilled within 14 days of the declaration of revocation. The period begins with the transmission of customers'statement, for us with its reception.
The right of revocation expires prematurely, if we have started the execution of our service before the end of the revocation period.
End of revocation instruction